Paint Guarantee
Your certified application of EC Paint Protection System is guaranteed against weather induced loss of gloss, fading, and chalking caused by acid rain, tree sap, bird droppings and ultraviolet rays.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Interior Guarantee
Your certified application of EC Interior Protection with RTB guarantees your vehicle's treated interior against stains, mold, mildew, rips, tears, punctures, burns, fading and cracking caused by ultraviolet rays.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Rust Guarantee
Your certified installation of EC Rust Protection with SR guarantees your vehicle from rust caused by perforation, paint bubbling, stone chips or salt penetration damage resulting in surface rust.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Dent & Ding Guarantee
EC Dent & Ding Protection covers the repair of minor dents and dings without harm to your vehicle’s factory finish.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Tire & Wheel Guarantee
EC Tire/Wheel Protection covers the complete repair or replacement due to damage.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Windshield Guarantee
EC Windshield Protection covers the repair of minor chips and cracks and we will even come to your Home, Office or Dealership.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Key Replacement Guarantee
EC Key Replacement covers up to $ 800 per year for lost, stolen or destroyed keys and includes the security of having your second key reprogrammed
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)

Roadside Assistance Guarantee
Covers service charge for emergency flat tire, delivery of essential fluids, battery service, lockout protection and towing up to 40 kilometers for any disablement.
NO DEDUCTIBLE! Warranty is fully transferrable. (Ask dealer for warranty details)